Education and Awareness

Candlelighters of Brevard’s Education & Awareness Program

The Candlelighters of Brevard’s Education & Awareness Program is designed to share our organizational mission, childhood cancer realities and empowerment opportunities with our local community. It’s as simple as businesses and organizations inviting our staff and/or ambassadors to present at a meeting for their employees, civic groups, corporate organizations, religious groups, rotary clubs, and more. Education is key and compassion stems from an awareness of the needs of our neighbors – especially our  youth battling cancer. To schedule or inquire more information, please email

The Light: Candlelighters’ Newsletter Publication

Twice a year, Candlelighters produces a newsletter that provides education and awareness about our organizational developments. Highlighted are the brave children battling cancer and their families. Also filling the pages cover to cover are donor spotlights, upcoming events, resale shop information, and moments of inspiration. Stay connected with Candlelighters through our eBlasts (emails) and printed newsletter. Sign-up today to be added to the distribution list by submitting your contact information to

Please call (321) 728-5600 or submit our web contact form to be connected to the appropriate staff member.